Stop practicing, start making!
Lettering Maker is the ultimate tool to create a brief for your next lettering piece.
“If you want to get better at this, you just need to practice”, raise your hand if you have heard this more than once. We all grew up hearing that you should do that thing over and over again, until… you become good at it..
Practicing is about repetition, and has no explicit goal, nor starting point. What you’re creating doesn’t really matter, as long as you’re doing it. Practicing lacks of the rewarding feeling of having that thing you created in your hands, which is what ultimately keeps you going for the next one. This is the reason why eventually most of us humans just give up practicing at some point.
If you’re looking to get better at lettering, stop practicing and start making. There’s three essential parts to getting better through making:
Having a briefing.
Define a series of essential parameters for what you’re doing, so that, when you sit to draw, no time goes into thinking what you’re actually going to do. The more limited this brief, the more powerful the result
Having a deadline.
Decide upfront how quickly you should have this piece finished and stick to it: whether it’s an hour, three hours or four days. The truth is that it’ll never be finished, there’s always room for improvement, so you need to know when you will be done with it, even if it is not done.
Showing your work.
Finally, get that piece of work out there, and engage others in what you’re doing. Sharing what you’ve made allows you to create instances of comparison, so that you’ll look at what you did today one year from now and you’ll think “I can do that much better now”. That gives you a sense of progress.
I really hope that the Lettering Maker will help you out along the way. I cannot wait to see what you makers and educators do with it. Good luck making!